IMDB Rating : 7.1
FD Smart Rating : 7.1
Synopsis : In a drama based on a true story, Brazilian backpacker Gabriel Buchmann spends his gap year exploring Africa. Why does he die in the Malawi mountains?
Regions Available ( 3 ) :
, South Africa
, United States
Leonard Siampala , John Goodluck , Tony B. Lesika , Rashidi Athuman , Lewis Gadson , Joao Pedro Zappa , Rhosinah Sekeleti , Caroline Abras , George Ngandu , Toney Montana , Alex Alembe , Luke Mpata , Manuela Pacq
English [Original]
For mature audiences. May not be suitable for children 17 and under.
Before entering a prestigious American university, Gabriel Buchmann decided to travel the world for one year, his backpack full of dreams. After ten months on the road, he arrived in Kenya determined to discover the African continent. Until he reached the top of Mount Mulanje, Malawi, his last destination.