Yokai Watch: Tanjo no Himitsuda Nyan 2014


NETFLIX Rating : 3

FD Smart Rating : 5.8

Synopsis : In this film based on the popular video game, a boy must track down the special watch that lets him see spirits after it vanishes from his wrist.

Regions Available ( 1 ) :


Japanese [Original]



Release Date:


Run Time:


Maturity Rating:

General Audiences

When the evil Yo-Kai Kin, Gin, and Do steal the Yo-Kai Watch from Keita one night so they can help their master Tokio Ubaune prevent humans and Yo-Kai from being friends, Keita finds help in the Yo-Kai Fuyunyan, who takes Keita, Whisper, and Jibanyan back in time 60 years to when the Yo-Kai Watch was first invented by Keita's own grandfather Keizo while he was a boy. Together, the two boys fight Tokio Ubaune and her evil Kaima Yo-Kai minions to save the world from her evil plans.