Liever Verliefd 2003


NETFLIX Rating : 3

IMDB Rating : 6

FD Smart Rating : 6

Synopsis : Playing the field with two different boyfriends, Anna gets a jolt when she realizes the men are roommates -- and that she might be falling in love.

Regions Available ( 2 ) :
Belgium , Netherlands


Dutch [Original]




Comedy, Romance

Release Date:


Run Time:


Maturity Rating:

Allowed for ages 6 years and older.

Anna gets dumped by Dirk after a vacation together for three weeks. He's decided a month ago to return to his wife. After being miserable, she decides to skip on commitment and love but decides to go for 'having fun', as that is what men seem to do as well. She encounters Rob, a good-looking funny confident construction worker. She also encounters Sander, a sensitive romantic musician who has had no luck with women. She decides to date both of them, without strings attached and without them knowing about each other. However, somewhere along the way she falls in love with BOTH of them. (Perhaps some of you might have seen that one coming.) The fact that Rob and Sander are each others' roommates does not seem to make matters easier for her as well.